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St Catherine, Draughton, Northamptonshire

(52°23′2″N, 0°52′54″W)
SP 762 768
pre-1974 traditional (England and Wales) Northamptonshire
now Northamptonshire
  • Ron Baxter
  • Ron Baxter
13 October 2004

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Feature Sets

St Catherine's has an aisled and clerestoreyed nave with 13thc. three-bay arcades. The chancel arch is of the same date, but the chancel is 19thc. work. There is a N chapel off the chancel, now housing the organ and a vestry. The W tower is 12thc. in its lower storey with a 12thc. tower arch and a plain 12thc. lancet in the W wall. The upper storey, of ashlar, is later (Pevsner thinks 17thc.). The only Romanesque feature described here is the tower arch.


Draughton was divided between three manors in 1086: 1 hide and half a virgate belonged to the king's manor of Rothwell and Orton, 1 virgate to Mainou's manor of Maidwell, and 21/2 virgates to Countess Judith's manor of Harringworth. No church or priest was recorded at that date.

Benefice of Maidwell with Draughton and Lamport with Faxton.


Interior Features


Tower/Transept arches

The lancet in the tower W wall has a badly eroded head, but appears to be pointed and chamfered. This, along with the form of the tower arch and its nailhead decoration, suggests a late 12thc. date for the lower part of the tower.

N. Pevsner, The Buildings of England: Northamptonshire, Harmondsworth, 1961, rev. by B. Cherry, 1973