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St James, Spaldwick, Huntingdonshire

(52°20′30″N, 0°20′44″W)
TL 128 728
pre-1974 traditional (England and Wales) Huntingdonshire
now Cambridgeshire
  • Ron Baxter
  • Ron Baxter
19 February 2004

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St James's has a 12thc. nave to which a four-bay S aisle was added in the late 13thc. The chancel and its arch are also late 13thc., and a S chapel was added c. 1500, when the aisle was rebuilt. Clerestoreys were added to N and S of the nave late in the 14thc. The W tower is also 14thc. work. It has a broach spire with three tiers of lucarnes and rises 152 feet. Construction is of stone and pebble rubble, save the tower and spire (of ashlar) and the nave clerestorey (of brick). Romanesque sculpture is found on the N doorway and the font.


In 1086 the manor of 15 hides was held by Ely abbey. No church was noted.


Exterior Features





There seems to be a distant recollection of the Prior's Doorway at Ely in the disposition of the label stops of the N doorway. It is unfortunate that their state of preservation prevents a closer comparison.

Victoria County History: Huntingdonshire. III (1936).
N. Pevsner, The Buildings of England. Bedfordshire and the County of Huntingdon and Peterborough, Harmondsworth 1968, 345.
RCHM(E), An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Huntingdonshire. London 1926, 242-44.