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Pontefract, Ferrybridge Road, Yorkshire, West Riding

(53°42′20″N, 1°17′22″W)
Pontefract, Ferrybridge Road
SE 470 235
pre-1974 traditional (England and Wales) Yorkshire, West Riding
now West Yorkshire
  • Rita Wood
27 Jul 2001, 18 Mar 2015

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Feature Sets

This site consists of a block of limestone enclosed by a metal railed fence. It is beside the Ferrybridge Road, on the S side opposite Darkfield Lane, and recently (2014) approached by new housing. The stone is the socket of a roadside marker, and the four sides have two or three bays of blank arcading, simply carved - as it now seems after centuries of weathering - on two levels and with minimal indication of the features of capital and base in the arcade.

The shaft base is a listed Ancient Monument (no. 1011848).


Exterior Features



The conditions for the stone have deteriorated in the 14 years between visits. When seen in 2001, the socket and the surrounding area within the railings were newly gravelled and the stone was seen to be set on a plinth, but in 2015, goosegrass and ivy are growing up around it, and the nearby sycamore tree has grown slightly closer to the stone; the socket contains wet old leaves. Despite these changes, the arcades on the sides seem much the same. It would be a challenge to Health and Safety for someone to get over and inside the railings to tidy up; perhaps something could be done with weedkiller.

The image of the Museum display (2014) uses a modern photograph of the roadside position of the base; the antiquarian drawing on the left shows a shaft which did not belong to this base. For details of this and other, perhaps related, pieces of shaft, see the report for Pontefract Museum, Salter Row.

Monument Number: ( 2413 )

The Stump Cross, or Ralph's Cross, is the socket stone of a medieval wayside cross, possibly 12th century. It is located on the southwest corner of Ferrybridge road and Stumpcross Lane at the boundary between Pontefract and Ferry Fryston. Norman boundary cross on a pre-Conquest boundary.

A large shaft fragment, drawn prior to 1793, is supposed to have borne geometrical and stylized foliage patterns on two sides and a nude male figure and an eagle in a rounded niche on the two remaining sides; the shaft is edged with barley-twist cornering. This fragment is no longer in situ. However, this barley-twist cornering is found on two displaced fragments, found locally and now attributed to this cross. These fragments (PRN 2485) are presently in Pontefract Museum. The cross base is at present contained in a metal cage, but is at risk from vandalism. Scheduled June 1995.

This record gives other background sources and information.

The boundary marker was commemorated in the name 'Stump Cross Lane', running SSE towards Bondgate (A645), but neither of the new roads, E or W of the stone, continue this name.


https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1011848, accessed 14 February, 2016.