The largest landholder in Poslingford in 1086 was Ralph Baynard, whose
holdings consisted first of a carucate of land and 20 acres with woodland for 5
pigs. A further carucate and a half was held by Norigaud from Ralph, and
another carucate and a half with four acres of meadow by Walter from Ralph.
Richer also held, from Ralph, 160 acres and a church with 40 acres of land
attached. An estate here is recorded under the holdings of St Edmundsbury Abbey
in 1086. Before the Conquest it was held by 12 free men of the abbey, and it
consisted of 60 acres of ploughland. Another estate of 35 acres with two acres
of meadow was held by Richard fitzGilbert in 1086, and by Eadric, a free man,
before the Conquest. The Baynard family founded the priory of Austin Canons at
Little Dunmow, Essex, in the early 12thc., and in the 1291 taxation Poslingford
church was one of its properties. It remained so until the
Stour Valley Group, i.e. Clare, Poslingford,
Cavendish, Stoke by Clare and Wixoe.