Royal Commisson of Ancient and Historical Monuments Scotland, An Inventory of Ancient and Historical Monuments of Roxburghshire, Vol. 1, Edinburgh 1956, no. 196.
I. Cowan, The Parishes of Medieval Scotland, Scottish Record Society, 93 (1967), 157.
K. Cruft, J. Dunbar and R. Fawcett, The Buildings of Scotland: Borders, London 2006, 198.
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J. Gordon, Monasticon, Vol. 1, Glasgow 1868, 250, 252 and 254.
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W. Laidlaw, ‘Sculptured and Inscribed Stones in Jedburgh and Vicinity’, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 39 (1905), no. 26 and fig. 22.
J. Lang, ‘Hogback Monuments in Scotland’, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 105 (1975), 206-235.
A. Lawrie, Early Scottish Charters Prior to A.D. 1153, Glasgow 1905, 309.
The Bannatyne Club, Origines Parochiales Scotiae, Vol. 1, Edinburgh 1851, 371, 387-88.