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The church has nave and chancel in one, S porch, S aisle with four-bay arcade extending almost to the end of the chancel, and W tower. The W tower, S aisle and arcade are Perp. The nave and chancel are probably part of the original 12thc. structure. The two S windows in the chancel, now with pointed windows, may have originally been 12thc. openings. They are deeply splayed on the interior. The rubble masonry in the S wall is probably of 12thc. date.
DS records that Earl Harold held Bradstone prior to the Conquest. At the time of DS it was held by Baldwin the Sheriff, of the King.
C. and F. Thorn (eds) Domesday Book: Devon, Chichester, 1985, 1,36.
F. Arnold-Forster, Studies in Church Dedications: or, England's patron saints, London 1899, 61.
N. Pevsner and B. Cherry, The Buildings of England: Devon, 1952, 2nd edition 1989, 202.