The monastery here was reputedly founded by St Barrind sometime before 591 (Gwynn and Hadcock, 1970, 382). Little is known of the history of the site, although a church was obviously built or extended here during the 12thc. This structure was apparently completely demolished in the 15thc and replaced by a long narrow parish church with a vaulted priests’ residence at the W end. In 1801 Coote recorded the presence of a ‘very fine arch of curious workmanship’ at the church which was ‘rapidly falling into ruin, as at every funeral in the adjacent burial ground it [was] plundered for a headstone’. Fitzpatrick and O’Brien’s suggestion that this refers to a 12thc doorway, still standing in the SW corner in 1801, is unlikely given the apparent reuse of 12thc stone as rubble in the church fabric. Coote’s reference was probably to the relatively ornate 15thc doorway, pieces of which are scattered across the site.