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All Saints Thrumpton, Nottinghamshire

(52°52′33″N, 1°14′42″W)
SK 509 312
pre-1974 traditional (England and Wales) Nottinghamshire
now Nottinghamshire
  • Simon Kirsop
  • Simon Kirsop
2nd August 2005

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Feature Sets

Thrumpton is a village located 6mi SW of West Brigford, very close to the SW corner of the Nottinghamshire county boundary. The church of All Saints is mostly of the 13thc and 15thc, with a restoration in 1871. It consists of a chancel, nave and W tower. The only Romaneque feature is a disused font in the churchyard situated adjacent to the N wall of the chancel.


DB lists three main holdings of land at Thrumpton. One of 7 bovates is given as being in the land of Roger de Bully, one of 3 bovates to William Peverell and one of 1½ bovates was in the lands of Hugh de Grandmesnil. There is no mention of a priest or church until 1210.


Loose Sculpture


Given that there is no recorded history here before the 13thc and no other Romanesque features visible at the site, one has to wonder if the font originated from here or somewhere else. It is an unusual design to find carved in the round.


J. Beckett et al., Southwell and Nottingham Church History Project - Thrumpton All Saints, online at: https://southwellchurches.nottingham.ac.uk/thrumpton/hintro.php

J C Cox, County Churches: Nottinghamshire (London, 1912), 217-218.

N Pevsner & E Williamson, The Buildings of England: Nottinghamshire (London, 1979), 2nd edn., reprinted with corrections (1997), 352.