There were three estates called Aveley in 1086; the main one being held by Sweyn in 1066 with a valuation of 3½ hides. Half a hide was added later by Waleran, son of Ranulf, and in 1086 the 4-hide manor was in the hands of John, son of Waleran. John's heir was Maud, the wife of Hasculf de Tany, and she held the manor in demesne in the early part of the 12thc, Her son, Graeland de Tany (d.1179-80) inherited from her, and his son Hasculf and his descendants held the manor in demesne until the death of Gilbert of that name in 1221. His heirs disposed of the manor to Stephen de Langton. The advowson of the church passed with the manor in this period. For the later history of the manor, see VCH.