Bosbury is a large village 4 miles N of Ledbury in E Herefordshire, close to the Malvern Hills and in the main hop-growing region of the county. It stands on the E bank of the River Leadon (little more than a stream here), its houses clustered around crossroads on the B4220. The church, in the village centre, has a 13thc chancel with a N organ room, a long aisled nave of 6 bays, the arcades dating from c.1200, and the E bay of the S aisle remodelled as the Morton Chapel, c.1500. There is a S porch and no W tower, but a detached 13thc tower stands to the S of the nave. The two nave arcades are recorded here, as is the chancel arch, the N and S nave doorways, the S chancel doorway, and 2 fonts; a disused bowl of indeterminate age and the font in use now, of c.1200.