The Domesday Survey lists 5 holdings in Graveley in 1086. In order of size: Godfrey held 2 hides and 1½ virgates in Graveley from Peter de Valognes, that was held by Lemar from Almaer of Benington in 1066. Gosbert de Beauvais held 2 hides in demesne in 1086, held as a manor by Swein, a man of Earl Harold in 1066. 1½ hides and 10 acres were held from Bishop Odo of Bayeux by Adam in 1086 and by Alnoth (who held 1½ hides) and Bruning (10 acres) in 1066. William held half a hide from Robert d’Oilly, land held by 2 men of Godwine of Bentfield before the Conquest. Finally Peter held 1½ virgates from William de Eu, held by Aelstan of Boscombe and by Leofsige, a sokeman of King Edward before the Conquest.
Of these manors the most relevant is that of Gosbert de Beauvais, which passed to Reginald de Argentein in the early 12thc, along with the manor of Great Wymondley. The position with regard to early sub-tenant is not straightforward, and the reader interested in this is referred to the VCH.