The Victoria History of the Counties of England. Worcestershire, vol. 3. London 1913, 145, 149-50.
C. J. Bond, 'Church and Parish in Norman Worcestershire' in J. Blair (ed.) Minsters and Parish Churches.The Local Church in Transition 950-1200, Oxford University Committee for Archaeology Monograph 17, (Oxford 1988), 119-58, 125, 150, 154.
F.S. Houghton, 'The Parochial and other Chapels of the County of Worcester, together with some account of the development of the Parochial System in the county', Trans. of the Birmingham Archaeological Soc., xlv (1919), 23-114, 75.
N. Pevsner, The Buildings of England. Worcestershire. Harmondsworth 1968, 16, 45, 254.