I. Cowan, The Parishes of Medieval Scotland (Edinburgh, 1967), 200-1.
Grampian Club, Registrum Monasterii S. Marie de Cambuskenneth A.D. 1147-1535 (Edinburgh, 1872), 161-2 no. 124.
A. Lacaille, ‘Ecclesiastical Remains in the Neighbourhood of Luss, with Notes on some Unrecorded Crosses and Hog-backed Stones’, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 62 (Edinburgh, 1928), 85-106.
J. Lang, ‘Hogback monuments in Scotland’, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 105 (Edinburgh, 1975), 206-35.
G. Monilaws, ‘Parish of Tulliallan’, The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 10 (Edinburgh and London, 1845), 868 and 870.
J. Paul, ed., The Register of the Great Seal of Scotland A.D. 1424-1513, 2 (Edinburgh, 1882), 346 no. 1644, 359 no. 1707, 397 no. 1886 and 674-5 no. 3153.
Royal Commission on Ancient and Historical Monuments and Constructions of Scotland, An Inventory of the Ancient Monuments: Fife, Kinross and Clackmannan, 11 (Edinburgh, 1933), 280.
The Scottish History Society, ‘Bagimond’s Roll’, Miscellany of The Scottish History Society, 6 (Edinburgh, 1939), 54 and 72.
D. Simson, ‘Parish of Tulliallan’, The Statistical Account of Scotland, 11 (Edinburgh, 1794), 556.