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Later parish church set within an oval graveyard on the site of an earlier church, of which a single fragment has been recorded.
A monastery was founded on this site in the 5thc. by St Abban. The monastery, originally called Magh Arnaighe, appears never to have developed into an important foundation. It is not mentioned in any of the major annalistic sources.
Leask's record of this piece is the only evidence of the existence of a Romanesque building on this site. An impost with comparable carving can be found built into one of the churches on Inishfallen island (Kerry).
E. Culleton, Celtic and Early Christian Wexford, Dublin, 1999, 203.
H. G. Leask, Irish Churches and Monastic Buildings, Dundalk, 1955, I, 163.
M. Moore, Archaeological Inventory of Co. Wexford, Dublin, 1996, 119.