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Substantially a complete 12thc. church with a Perpendicular W tower, 18thc. chancel extension and a N aisle of 1913. The church is of local red sandstone except for the N aisle wall in the pinker Hollington stone. 12thc. features described below are the reset N nave doorway, the chancel arch and stones carved with nailhead reset to decorate a niche in the N aisle. Other 12thc. features not described are a plain S nave doorway, traces of a N nave window and a blocked S chancel window.
The church was given to the nuns of Polesworth by William, son of Robert de Hartshill (Dugdale). Not mentioned in DS.
Priory of Polesworth 1200 - 1538. First incumbentc.1200.
Hunt (2022) suggests that the haloed figure on the N capital is Daniel in the lions' den.
C. Pickford and N. Pevsner. The Buildings of England: Warwickshire London 2016 103-104
Historic England listing 1365141
L. F. Salzman (ed) 'Parishes: Ansley' Victoria County History of Warwickshire, Vol 4 London 1947 5-9
J. Hunt. 'The twelfth-century church and sculpture at Ansley, Warwickshire, and its context' Trans Birmingham and Warwickshire Arch. Soc. 124 2022 68-88
W. Dugdale, The Antiquities of Warwickshire, 2:1037