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The limestone ashlar and rubble church has chancel, a central tower with N vestry, and nave with S aisle and S porch. The nave is 12thc. as is the tower (Pevsner suggests c.1125 for the tower arch), although its upper parts are neo-Norman. The chancel is 19thc. The S arcade was added in the first half of the 13thc. The S porch was probably 15thc. originally, but was rebuilt in the 19thc. It houses a 12thc. doorway and the reset porch doorway is of c.1175. Romanesque sculpture is found on the tower arch, S porch doorway, S doorway, font, and on a carving set in a niche in the W wall of the nave. The church was altered and restored in 1826 and 1851 by J. H. Hakewill. The chancel was rebuilt in 1888 by C. E. Ponting, an event commemorated on the dated consecration stone.
There is no entry for Stanton St Quintin in the Domesday Survey.
VCH records that the church was standing in the 12thc. (quoting Registrum Simonis de Gandavo, Diocesis Saresbiriensis, Canterbury and York Society, 1934. 2: 775.
Buckler illustrated the S porch, its outer doorway and the S arcade (8:plate 61) along with the font (8:plate 20) in the early 19thc.
The arch of the S porch, and the carved figure of Christ, both reveal a clear debt to the nave and S porch of nearby Malmesbury Abbey. The second order capitals of the S porch doorway are similar to the heads on the nook shafts of the nave buttresses at Malmesbury.
J. Buckler, Churches, fittings and monuments; bridges, market and village crosses; market houses; monastic remains, mansions, smaller houses. Wiltshire, 1803-11. 8: plates 20 and 61.
Historic England listing 1200437
N. Pevsner, B. Cherry. The Buildings of England: Wiltshire. 2nd ed. London 1975, 478-9.
Victoria County History: A History of the County of Wiltshire, 1991. 14: 213-221.