Whitestaunton was held by Alweard in 1066, and by Ansgar (I) Brito from the Count of Mortain in 1086. It was assessed at 3 hides, with 260 acres of woodland, a mill, and 50 acres of pasture rendering 4 blooms (ingots) of iron. Ansgar was dead by 1095, and the manor passed with the barony of Odcombe to successive Britos (Walter I, died after 1108; Ansgar II, fl. 1126; Roger, d. by 1157, Walter II, d.1179 and Walter III, d.1199. He died without issue and the barony was divided between his two nephews, Walter Croc and John de Longchamp. Both surrendered their shares to Richard Briwere in the early 1200s, and this family held the estate until the later 13thc. The church was first mentioned in 1291.