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An elongated church consisting of a 15th century west tower, a 13th century four-bay nave with north and south aisles, chancel, and south porch and finally a clerestory added in the 14th century. In 1857-1858 a restoration under the direction of M. C. Baily resulted in the reopening of the tower arch. A more extensive restoration was undertaken in 1888 by C. H. Fowler which included the rebuilding of the south porch and the clerestory. The N portal of the nave is fine example of Romanesque sculpture.
There is no mention of the village of Beckingham in the Domesday Survey. The earliest evidence for the church is the 12th century north doorway of the nave.
The overall decorative scheme of the north doorway suggests a c.1150 date for the arch work and, with its bell capitals, nailhead and dogtooth ornament, a date of c.1200 for the lower part of the doorway and the label. This later work may have been done at the same time as the south doorway which has a similar treatment on its capitals and label. Pevsner dates the south doorway as being “late Norman” just like the north doorway. However, the bell capitals, keeled shafts, excessive dogtooth, and the pointed arch togther point to a 13th century date. This south doorway should be seen as part of the 13th century rebuilding that included the nave arcades, with similar motifs, the chancel, and the south porch itself.
F. Arnold-Forster, Studies in Church Dedications or England's Patron Saints, vol.III. London (1899), 46.
N. Pevsner and J. Harris, The Buildings of England: Lincolnshire, London: Penguin, 1989 (1990), 131-132.