The Domesday Survey says ‘M and B. In Nortone and Wellon [Welham]… A church is there, and a priest, and a mill of 10s. TRE it was worth 60s.; now the same.’(VCH II, 278). Welham Hall Farm is about 2km SW of the site of the old church in Norton.
Malton priory (YN) was founded in 1150 by Eustace Fitz John for the Gilbertines. According to Dugdale, the canons of Malton Priory had charge of 3 hospital houses for feeding the poor, and one was on an island in the Derwent, on the Norton side of the river, the gift of Walter de Flamville. Its chapel was dedicated to St Nicholas, but this was distinct from the first parish church (VCH III, 127). The church of Norton was given to the priory by Iveta de Arches, wife of Roger de Flamville (Dugdale, VI, 971, charter no. vii).